Using the link below you can choose to make a donation to a variety of different ministries of Grace Church.

  • General Fund makes it possible to provide leadership for the general operations of the church.
  • Capital Fund makes it possible to maintain our historic building for worship, discipleship and fellowship gatherings.
  • Monthly Missions support ministries locally, nationally and internationally. The specific mission changes from month to month.
  • Endowment Funds build strength for future generations of sustainable ministry.
  • Memorial gifts honor the memory of your loved one while supporting the mission of Grace Church.
  • Pastor Discretionary Fund provides support for individuals and families experiencing hard times.

Estimate of Giving for 2024

Thank you for taking time to prayerfully make an Estimate of Giving for 2024. When you share this information with our Pastors and Financial Secretary it helps us in our planning for ministry in 2024. This is, of course, only an estimate on your part and it is in no way a contractual agreement. Thank you for your support. Click Here to complete your Estimate of Giving 2024.

Ways to Give

Grace United Methodist Church depends on the generosity of its members and friends who believe in our mission to work with all generations to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world. We believe that sharing in this mission through financial generosity is itself a means of God’s grace. We are indeed, made in the image of a God who is extravagantly generous. When we give of ourselves and our resources the image of God shines in us – changing us, the giver, as well as those who receive our generosity.


Below are some ways to give, beginning with the simple and immediate, and moving toward other options that take a little thought and planning. Whether you are making a one time contribution as a friend of this ministry or whether you are committed, regular contributor, we say, “Thank you, and may God richly bless you as you live a life of generosity.”

Online Giving

This option allows you to give via credit or debit card or bank draft. You can also set up recurring gifts and control the amount and timing of your gifts. Click here to make your gift.


Text to Give

In your phone messaging app, enter 904-717-4772 as the number, and the dollar amount you want to give in the message area, then send. Your donation will be sent to the church and you will receive a confirmation.


Electronic “Bill Pay”

Most banks and credit unions have a free “bill pay” option that allows you to set up one time or recurring payments (in this case contributions) to the organization of your choice.  This option allows you to schedule your donations for consistency – both a benefit to you and the church. The church address is Grace United Methodist Church 8 Carrera Street St Augustine FL 32084

Sunday Offering

Giving is part of worship for many people who prefer to participate in the act of offering. Checks and cash are collected during the worship services during the offering or a place for donating will be indicated.


Making an Annual Pledge

If you would like to contribute on a regular basis to our operating budget, you may want to consider making a pledge for the 2023 fiscal year. Making a pledge is a spiritual practice as you spend time in prayer and planning about how you will give to God from the “first fruit” (rather than the leftovers) of your income. Making a pledge also helps our Committee on Finance and Church Council better budget and plan for ministry in the coming year. Click here to complete an Annual Pledge and submit it electronically.


Stock or Securities

Stock or security donations have a key tax element that makes them attractive for donors. If you have purchased a stock, held it for more than a year, and it has appreciated in value, when donating it you get a tax deduction for the stock value on the donation date. The church wins with your generous donation and you win with a tax deduction which is greater than your out of pocket cost of the stock. Contact Lori King to get details and transfer information.

Required Minimum Distributions

The IRS requires that you withdraw a certain amount each year from your qualified account such as a 401k or IRA and include it in your taxable income. The Secure Act of 2019 changed the age for required minimum distributions (RMD) to 72. If you turned 70 ½ in 2019, you still would need to withdraw your required minimum distributions. If you turn 70 ½ in 2020, you will not have to take your RMD until you turn 72. Whenever you must take your RMD, there is still a way to make a tax advantaged donation to a qualified charity, like Grace Church, even if you no longer can itemize deductions.   By utilizing a portion of your IRA required minimum distribution (RMD), you can donate directly to the church and avoid the income tax.  For example:

Let’s say your RMD for this year is $7,000.  If you take the RMD directly, your taxed on it as if it were ordinary income.  If you’re in the 20% tax bracket, this would cause you to pay an additional $1,400 in taxes.


For every $1,000 of your RMD that you donate directly to Grace United, you reduce your tax bill by $200!

There are few rules to follow to make sure it’s done properly, but it’s not very complicated.  Since many people won’t be able to deduct their charitable donations in 2019 and beyond, this provides an excellent way to save on your taxes and to help our church!

If you have questions, call your accountant, financial advisor or Rich Bevilacqua, Stewardship Chair.


Donor Advised Funds

Many brokerage firms (including Schwab, Fidelity and Vanguard) can set up a Charitable Donor Advised Fund for you. When you move assets like stocks, bonds or cash to this fund you get a tax deduction immediately, but you don’t have to decide immediately where to donate. Once you decide what charities you want to support (and this could be in a tax year after you establish the fund) you simply give instructions to disburse your gifts from it to the charities you support. Contact Rich Bevilacqua if you have any questions.



Beneficary Designations

Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their will or estate. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using IRAs and retirement plans, Life insurance policies, or Commercial annuities.  It only takes three simple steps to make this type of gift. Here's how to name Grace UMC as a beneficiary:

1. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.

2. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the percentage you choose, on the beneficiary form.

3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.

If you name Grace UMC in your plans, please use our legal name, address and federal tax ID number. Grace United Methodist Church, 8 Carrera Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084. Federal Tax Number: # 59-3532125.

Talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.

Wills and Trusts

In as little as one sentence, you can make a gift to Grace United Methodist Church in your will or living trust to help ensure that we continue our mission for years to come.

“I give to Grace United Methodist Church, Inc., St. Augustine, Florida, a Florida not for profit corporation currently located at 8 Carrera Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084, or its successor thereto, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."

This document is also helpful for you to express your desire for how you would like to be remembered, including instructions for your loved ones about your desire for funeral or memorial service arrangements.



Create a Legacy

The Grace United Methodist Church Endowment Funds are supported through direct donations of cash, stock, bonds, planned charitable gifts such as bequests and trusts. 

The Grace United Methodist Church Endowment Funds consist of two different funds: 

  • The General Endowment Fund is unrestricted, allowing these funds to be used primarily for capital (building) expenses, but they could be used for operational expenses if needed. The objective is to use these funds in the event of unplanned repairs or projects. Gifts to this account can be made with cash, check, appreciated stock or via planned estate gifts. 
  • The Martha Lee Segui Permanent Endowment Fund is restricted, with the goal of building the balance to a minimum of $500,000 by the end of 2025. The primary purpose of this fund is for the investment balance to grow and not be used except in the case of a catastrophic event. After the fund has reached the goal of $500,000 the income generated can be used for annual operating expenses. Gifts to this account can be made with gifts of cash, check, appreciated stock or via planned estate gifts. 

The Grace United Methodist Church Endowment Fund donations are the gifts that keep on giving. Your gift can have an impact on your favorite ministry area in the years to come. For more information contact Rich Bevilacqua, stewardship chairperson.