On Sunday at 9:00 am and 11:00 a.m. attend to God, yourself and one another with music, singing, prayer, and hearing God's word read and proclaimed. Services are in-person and online at 11:00 a.m. Past service recordings can also be viewed by clicking here.


Register Worship Attendance and Share Prayer Requests

Thank you for being a part of building community across generations and other differences through your financial generosity!

Thank You For Your Faithful Giving To Grace Church!


You can click here to make a contribution to a variety of designated ministries of Grace Church. 

  • General Fund which makes it possible for us to provide leadership for the general work of the church.
  • Capital Fund which makes it possible to maintain our historic building for worship, discipleship and fellowship gatherings.
  • Monthly Missions which support ministries locally, nationally and internationally. The mission changes from month to month.
  • Endowment Funds which build strength for future generations of sustainable ministry.
  • Memorial gifts which honor the memory of your loved one while supporting the mission of Grace Church.
  • Pastor's Discretionary Fund which provides support for individuals and families experiencing hard times.

Browse the different opportunities for Adult spiritual formation happening in our Church. Contact Anne Bishop, Adult Discipleship.

Click here for 21 Days of Reading the Bible.

Building the Beloved Community

A 60 minute gathering on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 pm for education, staying connected and spiritual formation.  We will learn something each week about what it means and how to become God's beloved community. We will do the work of listening to and including one another across differences of all kinds. And we will be rooting this work in discipleship - following Jesus through Scripture, prayer and faith in action. In-Person and by Zoom. Click here to register.

Welcome to Grace

Grace United Methodist Church, a historic and active congregation located in the center of downtown St. Augustine has remained a vital congregation for well over a hundred years. Today the people of Grace Church are becoming a multi-generational, disciple-making congregation that cares for the vulnerable in our church, community and world.  All are welcome to worship with us on Sundays at 9 am and 11 am in-person or online. Come as you are and experience God's grace to become who God created you to be.

What's Great About Grace?

Grace isn’t just the name of an historic building on the corner of Carrera and Cordova in St Augustine. Grace is a beautiful gift of God for everyone. God’s gift of grace allows us to recognize that God is not afraid or ashamed of us. God sees us as human beings, with all our hurts, habits and hang ups, and God moves close. Like a first responder running toward the wounded and wrecked with hope to restore and save, we understand that God has turned toward our wounded and wrecked world with hope to restore and save. We understand that God hasn’t picked some and not others to offer this gift of grace. God’s grace is a beautiful gift for everyone.

Awakening to this gift of God and receiving it in all its mystery gives us peace with God and moves us toward peace with one another. Grace doesn’t fix all our problems, but it turns them all into opportunities for beauty to erupt. The reason for that is we begin attending to where God is present in our “problems,” and trusting that God has something to say if we will listen.

Encountering and awakening to God’s gift of grace comes with an invitation to follow and be formed by grace. While not pontificating or shaming, grace is demanding. Like the potter’s hand on a lump of clay, grace wants to lead to something. Recently, our Bishop Ken Carter put it this way. “Grace wants to lead us to more opportunity, more equality, more flourishing, more patience, more justice, more covenant-keeping, more hope, more and deeper followers of Jesus; and said differently, less unfairness, less judgmentalism, less prejudice, less violence, less despair, less hunger, less racism, less sexual harassment, less mimicking of unhealthy patterns of behavior that we see in the world.”

This way of grace through Jesus is something that shapes the personality of Grace United Methodist Church and is woven into God’s future story for our life together. By God's grace we are a community of people learning to follow Jesus by doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God. Our longing is to become beloved community (across generations and other differences) that brings the hope of heaven to the realities of earth. Our ministries provide education, support and leader development for people to do this good work wherever they may be.

We are convinced that God really wants to teach us and our community something wonderful by recognizing, understanding and appreciating our own culture and that of others when serving, worshipping and praying together. We’d love for you to come be a part of this adventurous, unfolding story of God’s great gift of grace!

Community Conversations

Community Conversation meets by Zoom on Tuesdays from 12:00 - 1:15 pm. This forum is open to people across our community who want education, support and leader development for being a multicultural change agent in their own setting.  Click here to watch a short video of participants talking about the impact this work has had on them. We use a set of tools from VISIONS, Inc. for building communities of inclusion where people learn to appreciate their own culture and that of others. While we often address the variable of race based exclusion, we recognize that this is one of many variables that needs to be recognized and changed for the health and well-being of the communities where we live.   You can learn more about some of the work we are doing and the resources we use by visiting this Resources for Racial Justice page. Contact Rev. David Williamson to get the Zoom meeting access link. david@gracestaugustine.org

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